Define a request

So start writing your own FormRequest (php artisan make:request ExampleRequest) and type-hint it on the method signature.

The only change you need to do in your existent request is to apply the #[OpenApi\Request] attribute.

use Hypnodev\OpenapiGenerator\Attributes\OpenApi;

#[OpenApi\Request(description: 'An example description of the request')]
class ExampleRequest extends FormRequest
    // ...

Be aware that attribute isn't supporting (yet) the notation.

Package will bring all the rules inside the requests and make the right definition.


// ...

public function rules(): array
    return [
        'name' => ['required', 'string'],
        'email' => ['required', 'email'],
        'id' => ['required', 'uuid'],
        'url' => ['required', 'url'],
        'date' => ['required', 'date_format:Y-m-d', 'date'],
        'status' => ['bool'],
        'enum_as_string' => ['in:test'],
        'enum_as_closure' => [Rule::in(['test', ExampleEnum::Status1])],
        'array' => ['array'],
        'array.*' => ['string'],
        'object' => ['array'],
        '' => ['string'],

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